[nonostantement #132] - google brain & pictures / annoying experts / criminals & secret sims
Now with MORE annoying experts!
Welcome to nonostantement:
a weekly newsletter with adequate, caustic and odd stuff found all over the Internet.
Hi, I am Joele Lucherini and I am collecting links all over the internet to share with you using this newsletter. I am an Italian Digital Strategist living in Barcelona, Spain.
I spend a lot of time curating this project so - if you would like to show your support to nonostantement - you can now offer me a virtual coffee here.

This is not Blade Runner, but Beijing in 2014.
An amazing project that places on a map the photographs of every building in the five boroughs of New York City, taken between 1939 and 1941. It’s like Google Street View but from 80 years ago!
This is something I was thinking of many years ago and it finally became real: Google Brain Artificial Intelligence takes thousands of images from tourists around famous landmarks and creates 3D rendering.
[Video] - 2020: an isolation odyssey is a reenactment of the iconic finale of 2001: A Space Odyssey, restaged in the isolating context of home quarantine.
When someone becomes an expert at something, you know what else they become? Annoying. But why are they annoying? For our benefit. They get mad so that we don’t have to. Please bear with us!
[Video] - Henry Rollins in a 1993 commentary on how then current teens should've looked through their parents' vinyl albums and looked outside the box for discovering different music genres, like jazz or rockabilly.
How do you go about convincing someone who, for one reason or another, doesn’t see eye-to-eye with you? How do you (actually) change someone’s mind?
[In Italian] - La pagina Facebook “Io, professione mitomane” colleziona i post iperbolici di gente che si atteggia a VIP: c'è chi viene riconosciuto per strada, chi firma autografi, chi raccoglie costantemente elogi, chi non riesce a gestire la mole delle richieste di amicizia sui social…
Building the next step of their online marketing strategy every company could learn from Netflix’s approach toward personalization and social behavior: instead of focusing on individuals, they should focus on their relationships and look at the communities they belong to. This is exactly what I teach in some of my classes: find your tribe, learn why it exists and what keeps it alive.
A really interesting read about the brand Oatly “using a questionable marketing strategy” - is it the new Coke?
When I started getting online, more than a quarter of a century ago, I was really fascinated by the Phreaking scene, and I had my share of fun with completely legal (at the time, in Italy) little “toys”. Of course I am now fascinated by reading about the secret encrypted SIMs used by criminals to change their phone number and to do other little things ;)
Instagram is now accused of collecting, storing and profiting from the biometric data of more than 100 million users, without their knowledge or consent.
That's it for now.
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