[nonostantement #134] - cloned shanghai / coronavirus & privacy / spycams
NOW with MORE informal random chats!
Welcome to nonostantement:
a weekly newsletter with tolerable, unsafe and peculiar stuff found all over the Internet.
Hello, as you may know, my name is Joele Lucherini - I am online most of the time because of my work (I design and execute online branding and advertising strategies), so I usually found a lot of interesting stuff all over the Internet.
This is the weekly email where I collect links to the above-mentioned stuff.
Last time I checked I was still Italian but living in Barcelona.You can now offer me a virtual coffee here to show your support for nonostantement.
Most of my projects come out from accidental encounters like meeting random people at a social event /such as a conference or a dinner party with friends). Most of the times, I meet people, start talking (I love to talk) and sometimes we end up working together without them initially knowing well what I do and how.
Informality, and this kind of serendipity, is complicated during a global pandemic, so I added a “book a call” link to my websites - keeping open a few 30 min slots during my week for informal chats.
You can reserve a slot here and we can have a talk about… whatever! Easy as that.
I think this is a way of encouraging random nice events in face of the challenges we all are dealing with.

AP PHOTOS: Splash! Virus spawns portable pool fad in Spain
I just discovered @nyt_first_said, tweeting words when they appear in the New York Times for the first time. I found these kind of projects fascinating and - as nerdy as it may sound - even fun. here you can find a nice visualization of the process behind that account.
Apple's new iPhone operating system will make it harder for apps to track users’ data without their consent and Facebook is admitting this could severely hurt its Audience Network ad network, reducing revenue by up to 50%.
[Video] - China - using the 3D game engine Unreal - has just built a complete digital clone of Shanghai - and it's about to simulate events in the future with astonishing accuracy.
In my own personal experience is it better not to meet and know your favourite artists. Just leave them in their awesome aura by still not being aware of their personal life and beliefs, trust me. That’s why I don’t generally like following them on social media. Here’s come my personal exception to the rule: Geoff Barrow (from Portishead and BEAK>). I love his caustic twitter account! A while ago he posted an absorbing interview about his mental health issues and how he is dealing with them - it is shattering to read how the first Gulf War (and even more its non-stop chronicle by the media) ended up scarring people thousands of kilometers far away from where it was really happening.
“Everyone belongs to a tribe and underestimates how influential that tribe is on their thinking.” - this is just one of the “ideas that changed the life" of Morgan Housel. I don’t usually find interesting this sort of article but I think some of the points here could be useful with my line of work, trying to decipher how people think and will choose something among the rest.
“Prohibitions don't eliminate things. They drive them underground.” - so, if during COVID-19 they closed all the gyms, what do you think is going to happen? Exactly: secret gyms!
[Video] I am sure there is some really positive moral of the story here but what I am going to do is just leaving this video right here and you can find your self-esteem slash positive vibe slash inspiring stuff behind it by yourself: How I Deal With Kids Playing in My Driveway
Anytime a person gets tested for COVID-19, it creates a data point public health officials can use to track the spread and prevalence of the virus—but it also creates a financial opportunity for a private company administering the test. It’s not as anonymized as you might think and also uncovers a privacy issue we all have when it comes to health companies. Do you always read ALL the papers they make you sign up? I suggest you start doing that.
Every time we have a new trendy healthy fad here in the west, we end up ruining lives in other parts of the world. This time, we need to talk about The Dirty Secret Behind The West's Coconut Fad.
[Video] It turns out that in South Korea the proliferation of hidden wireless cameras in toilets and hotel rooms is so rampant that you don’t have to ask yourself IF it will be a spycam where you are staying, but HOW MANY spycams will be hidden around there.
That's it for now.
If you enjoy nonostantement, you can show your support by offering me a virtual coffe here, or you could forward this email to a friend so they can subscribe too.
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