[nonostantement #140] - steve jobs / bauhaus & climate change / brandalism
NOW with MORE combat dogs with augmented reality goggles!
Welcome to nonostantement: a weekly newsletter with well behaved, perfidious and off-centre stuff found all over the Internet.
Good morning, my name is Joele Lucherini and I spend my days designing and managing branding and advertising strategies, mostly online. Being on the Internet all the time I collect a lot of interesting and weird links. This email offers you a selection of the links from last week.
Do you need a soundtrack? Here we go: Matthew Halsall - The Sun In September (I know, I missed the opportunity to post this a couple of weeks ago, in September).
Don’t forget that if you like this newsletter you can now offer me a virtual coffee to show your support :)

Training Horses - Félix Thiollier c. 1899
[Video] A fascinating interview with an entrepreneur who had his company bought by Steve Jobs. A glimpse at the real personality of Apple’s CEO, beyond the cult of his character. Having seen first-hand my share of successful CEOs with sociopathic attitudes, and considering that Apple products got way worse after Jobs’ death… can you can make great business without being an asshole?
Jobs, by the way, was obviously not the first to think about combining liberal arts and tech. Visionaries like Gropius, Klee and Feininger mixed art, industry and technology, recruiting open-minded practitioners from various fields to make them join Bauhaus. The design movement has new relevance in the 21st century: as a model for fighting climate change.
[Video] - Would you jump from a ten meter tower? A mesmerizing video about fear, courage and recklessness, by The New York Times.

I love this frame I randomly found on the internet - do you happen to know where it comes from? Please reply to this same email and tell me, if you do!
“Instagram is the most important thing that ever happened to sneaker culture” which is no longer a niche but a global market for a product that is also a status symbol.
TikTok or “collab” houses, groups of people who have come from all over the country to live together and film themselves to post their content on social media. If you are like over 19 and don't understand TikTok, read this interesting article about this industry, which is still fledgling, unstandardized, and oversaturated.
Chilly Gonzales, one of my favorite musicians, is about to release a new album! While waiting, I suggest you listen to this fascinating interview. By the way this is the video they talk about in the podcast, where Gonzo uses a 400-year-old instrument to play a Kraftwerk track.
[Video] - An ad parodying the famous "quarter pounder" scene from Pulp fiction for a shawarma sandwich that was available at McDonald's in Israel.
“Whilst the zero fucks given fun aspect of subverting a popular logo is hugely rewarding, twisting the multinationals branding to raise awareness of not only their wrong-doings […] utilizing an omnipresent visual to connect to an idea or movement that actively tries to either help or offer an alternative to a consumption-based existence is the great motivator here.” - Cease & Desists, Brandalism & Black Lodges. “Brandalism” in streetwear, that's a term I haven't heard in a long time…
The US Army has shown off augmented reality goggles for combat dogs, designed to let them receive orders at a distance. “Inside the goggles, the dogs can see a visual indicator that they can be trained to follow, directing them to a specific spot. The handler, meanwhile, can see what the dog sees through a remote video feed.”
As AI-generated deepfake technology is evolving fast and could become soon a problem for politics and a threat to our social fabric – this interesting article tries to give some potential solutions that can be implemented to keep it under control and guarantee a certain level of reliability of reality in the future.
That's it for now.
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