[nonostantement #150] - bad satellites / futurists & pasta / subcultures in dublin
Welcome to nonostantement: a weekly newsletter with honourable, terrible and astounding stuff found all over the Internet.
Hi, my name is Joele. This week I will be moving from the center of Barcelona to a… a slightly less central place in Barcelona. I am packing way too much stuff, after almost ten years in the same home. I might have a little hoarding issue. Here you will find some of the links I have been hoarding last week.
Random soundtracks: Bomb The Bass - Megablast (or the Xenon II Megablast soundtrack as I call it) and almost 1 hour of Nujabes.
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Do we need a satellite that can see directly inside buildings, from miles away? Of course! What could go wrong?
Be careful when you pixelate a piece of text to hide it... it seems that we are no longer safe even under a veil of pixels.
Microplastic in our food. We talk about it often, but seeing it displayed visually is pretty terrible: How much plastic are you eating?
I was just reading about it a few days ago on [In Italian] "Contro natura" the interesting book by [In Italian] [Video] Dario Bressanini (I recommend all of his books, they can be a perfect last minute gift for those who love cooking with a bit of science): When Italian Futurists Declared War on Pasta (1930)
[Video] - The Glitter Bomb (against Porch Pirates) is a tradition, and we just got to the 3.0 edition now. I love when someone spends months with dedication, smartness and high level skills to design and create something basically useless but very fun.
[Video] - Punks, Mods, Rockers, Teds, Greasers, Futuristics, New Romantics, Blitz Kids, Skinheads, Rudie Skinheads, Boot Boys, Hells Angels, Bikers and Ska Boys. These were some of the subcultures in Dublin around 1983.
That's it for now.
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