[nonostantement #23] - hair extensions / the race for aritificial intelligence startups / unilever and fake followers
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One hour of 80's video game commercials - High Quality
This is one hour of 80's game commercials from the Video Game Commercial Archive. It was released on DVD in 2007.“I was devastated”: Tim Berners-Lee, the man who created the World Wide Web, has some regrets
Berners-Lee has seen his creation debased by everything from fake news to mass surveillance. But he’s got a plan to fix it.The truth about where hair extensions come from | Shady | Refinery29
Wigs and extensions are often made of real human hair, but have you ever questioned how that hair was sourced?The race for AI: Google, Intel, Apple in a rush to grab artificial intelligence startups
Big corporations across every industry, from retail to agriculture, are trying to integrate machine learning into their products. At the same time, there is an acute shortage of AI talent.
A combination of these factors is fueling a heated race to scoop up top AI startups, many of which are still in their early stages of research and funding.Trippy rollercoaster ride
Jeb Corliss held a GoPro Fusion 360 camera on the Goliath rollercoaster at Six Flags Magic Mountain. Then he stabilized the footage.(In Italian) Te la do io la Silicon Valley. Perché leggere i reportage di Di Battista
Dal 1 giugno l’ex deputato del Movimento Cinque Stelle è “partito per le Americhe” – ci fa sapere il quotidiano di Marco Travaglio – nelle vesti di inviato speciale, con la moglie Sahra e il figlio Andrea al seguito, e ha assunto le strane vesti del testimone di tutto ciò che è vecchio e in dismissione oltreoceano, essendo nel contempo ambasciatore del nuovo in Italia.Unilever takes stand against digital media's fake followers
Consumer goods giant Unilever, the world’s second-biggest advertiser, is cutting ties with digital media “influencers” that buy followers, saying it wants to help make advertising more transparent.
that's it for now.
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